Adding distortion to the imaging example¶
Let’s expand the WCS created in Basic Structure of a GWCS Object by adding a polynomial distortion correction.
Because the polynomial models in modeling
do not support units yet,
this example will use transforms without units. At the end the units
associated with the output frame are used to create a SkyCoord
The imaging example without units:
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from astropy.modeling import models
>>> from astropy import coordinates as coord
>>> from astropy import units as u
>>> from gwcs import wcs
>>> from gwcs import coordinate_frames as cf
>>> crpix = (2048, 1024)
>>> shift_by_crpix = models.Shift(-crpix[0]) & models.Shift(-crpix[1])
>>> matrix = np.array([[1.290551569736E-05, 5.9525007864732E-06],
... [5.0226382102765E-06 , -1.2644844123757E-05]])
>>> rotation = models.AffineTransformation2D(matrix)
>>> rotation.inverse = models.AffineTransformation2D(np.linalg.inv(matrix))
>>> tan = models.Pix2Sky_TAN()
>>> celestial_rotation = models.RotateNative2Celestial(5.63056810618, -72.05457184279, 180)
>>> det2sky = shift_by_crpix | rotation | tan | celestial_rotation
>>> = "linear_transform"
>>> detector_frame = cf.Frame2D(name="detector", axes_names=("x", "y"),
... unit=(u.pix, u.pix))
>>> sky_frame = cf.CelestialFrame(reference_frame=coord.ICRS(), name='icrs',
... unit=(u.deg, u.deg))
>>> pipeline = [(detector_frame, det2sky),
... (sky_frame, None)
... ]
>>> wcsobj = wcs.WCS(pipeline)
>>> print(wcsobj)
From Transform
-------- ----------------
detector linear_transform
icrs None
First create distortion corrections represented by a polynomial
model of fourth degree. The example uses the astropy Polynomial2D
and Mapping
>>> poly_x = models.Polynomial2D(4)
>>> poly_x.parameters = [0, 1, 8.55e-06, -4.73e-10, 2.37e-14, 0, -5.20e-06,
... -3.98e-11, 1.97e-15, 2.17e-06, -5.23e-10, 3.47e-14,
... 1.08e-11, -2.46e-14, 1.49e-14]
>>> poly_y = models.Polynomial2D(4)
>>> poly_y.parameters = [0, 0, -1.75e-06, 8.57e-11, -1.77e-14, 1, 6.18e-06,
... -5.09e-10, -3.78e-15, -7.22e-06, -6.17e-11,
... -3.66e-14, -4.18e-10, 1.22e-14, -9.96e-15]
>>> distortion = ((models.Shift(-crpix[0]) & models.Shift(-crpix[1])) |
... models.Mapping((0, 1, 0, 1)) | (poly_x & poly_y) |
... (models.Shift(crpix[0]) & models.Shift(crpix[1])))
>>> = "distortion"
Create an intermediate frame for distortion free coordinates.
>>> undistorted_frame = cf.Frame2D(name="undistorted_frame", unit=(u.pix, u.pix),
... axes_names=("undist_x", "undist_y"))
Using the example in Basic Structure of a GWCS Object, add the distortion correction to the WCS pipeline and initialize the WCS.
>>> pipeline = [(detector_frame, distortion),
... (undistorted_frame, det2sky),
... (sky_frame, None)
... ]
>>> wcsobj = wcs.WCS(pipeline)
>>> print(wcsobj)
From Transform
----------------- ----------------
detector distortion
undistorted_frame linear_transform
icrs None
Finally, save this WCS to an ASDF
>>> from asdf import AsdfFile
>>> tree = {"wcs": wcsobj}
>>> wcs_file = AsdfFile(tree)
>>> wcs_file.write_to("imaging_wcs_wdist.asdf")